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Appflow: Live Update
Appflow: Git Integrations
Appflow: Builds
iOS Build Failure Resolutions
- iOS build fails with error: "App" requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'App' from project 'App')
- The version of CocoaPods used to generate the lockfile (X.X.X) is higher than the version of the current executable (X.X.X)
- Invalid application specific password provided
- iOS Builds fail with error "Seems to be a very old project file format - please open your project file in a more recent version of Xcode"
- iOS package build fails with fastlane error: "Couldn't find specified scheme"
- Code signing error when doing an Appflow Package iOS build with a Cordova project
Android Build Failure Resolutions
- Ionic Appflow Android package build fails with compileReleaseJavaWithJavac FAILED
- Android Package Build Fails with "Exit Status 255 instead of 0. The user-provided path <path> does not exist"
- error: invalid source release: 17
- Lost or Compromised Android Keystore
- Google Play Automation Error: “set the query parameter changesNotSentForReview to true”
- Android Package build fails with "DexIndexOverflowException: Cannot merge new index 65961 into a non-jumbo instruction" error
Common Tasks
Troubleshooting Guides
- Updating Android Apps to Handle JCenter Deprecation
- Why does my previously successful build from (some time ago) not work anymore?
- Troubleshooting iOS Code Signing Issues in Package
- Case Sensitivity for Builds
- Basics: Troubleshooting Build Failures
- AppFlow and Extensions
Native Integration
- Configuring Cordova Plugins for Capacitor Apps Built with Appflow
- Upgrading Cordova-Android Version to Meet Required Android API Levels
- Using the cordova-plugin-ionic in a Capacitor Application
- Converting a Cordova Application to Capacitor
- Disable Bitcode for Capacitor iOS
- Troubleshooting Push with Capacitor
Identity Vault
Security Patches and Updates
Support Tech Notes
Billing & Account Management
Navigating the Dashboard
- Getting around: The Home Page
- Getting around: Personal Account Settings
- Getting around: Organization Settings
- Inviting a Member to an Organization in the Appflow Dashboard
- Understanding Single-Seat & Multi-Seat Organization Accounts and Permissions
- How to transfer an app to another account
Billing Tasks
Legacy Products