The most recent release of cordova-ios (4.5) requires that the cordova-plugin-console
plugin be removed from your project in order to build since it is now integrated directly. Versions of cordova-ios less than 4.5 still require the cordova-plugin-console
to be installed if you intend to use it.
In order to ensure you project builds properly on our package service, we're now suggesting that you specify the exact version of cordova-ios you wish to use in both the package.json and the config.xml as currently platform versions are specified in both. That means removing the ~
or ^
symbols that may appear by default. For example, if you want to use cordova-ios 4.5 add"cordova-ios": "4.5.0"
to the dependencies section in you package.json and <engine name="ios" spec="4.5.0" />
to the ios platform section of your config.xml.
If you are specifying version 4.5.0, you will need to run the command cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-console
then commit the changed files to version control in order for your builds to succeed.
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